National Gesso Painting Day
Hi folkies, The Art 291 crowd was in great form today as we celebrated the 3rd annual ‘National Gesso Painting Day’. This is where the students march down Fullerton Ave. to Facility Operations (1050 W. Fullerton from 1150 W. Fullerton). There we all applied the primer coat (Gesso) to all the Polytab material that will make up all four of our new pillars. This the first real inaugural bit of work that our students do together. And there was an assembly line approach to the whole chore. Rollers,,,inspectors …hangers…and dryers made up the line. Everyone participated, and it did not take too long at all. My thanks to our guys at DePaul Facility Operations, who three years ago set up particular aspects of their paint shop for this now…’annual’...event. It’s a lot easier to gessoing 500 sq. ft. of material in space that you don’t to be too precise to paint in. In the afternoon, after our discussion of academic content, we started working on the actual drawing of content on our polytab gessoed pieces. Now the real work begins. More next week….. Buffalo Bro