Basketball Awards!! New Page Coming Soon...
Hi Folkies,
The journey of my project, 'The Story of the Little School Under the 'L', Under the 'L' ' has taken my artistic exploring into directions I never expected. I may have hinted at this before, but here is a new direction on my 'Little School Project'. Each of the honored persons in my collection will have a basketball, painted for them. And when (in about 3 years) when the project is completed, there will be a final ceremony. The basketball will be presented to that person or a representative/relative. Here are two of these 'awards'. One for Fr. Francis X. McCabe,cm, and another for Benjamin L. Hooks. Hope you like them! Both Ben Hooks and Fr. McCabe have compelling stories. Check out their pages on the website here. You can see many elements from their pillar compositions were used for their ball. So they can be considered as ‘mini pillars’ There will be more as time allows….and hopefully an event for people to see them in person someday.
Buffalo Bro