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ART 291 Pillar Progress

Howdy folkies!

Today the crew of Art 291 completed the last of the tracing elements for this year’s pillar

compositions. I was a tiny bit surprised as to how complex the 64 E. Lake composition is, and

probably will continue to be. (Stay tuned on that front.) But the other three compositions all

were relatively straightforward and easy.

Now the class will get to do a lot more painting, and developing some logos for the 50th

anniversary of the Black Student Union. This week’s pictures feature the end of tracing and our

continued push on all our capitals. The first thing you do after you have traced the contours for

scale is retrace the same contours in washed out blue. Doing that really makes those pencil

lines stick, and there is no way to lose where particular tones of color are supposed to go. Here

are a couple of pictures of Corey and Alex retracing the 64 E. Lake pillar. A very ornate building

that I streamlined a lot for our purposes.

There is no truer blue for DePaul than ultramarine blue. And when painted with a little bit of

matt medium can have a very spiritually deep feel to it. So you can see Corrine and Jocelyn

moving on from that deep background of DePaul BLUE.

Buffalo Bro

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